What does your March 2021 horoscope have in store for your zodiac sign?
Your monthly horoscope for March 2021 is finally here - so you can get a glimpse of how this month will go for your zodiac sign...

Welcome to your March horoscope and one of the most healing and nurturing months of 2021! March brings a unique energy our way, as instead of clashing, the planets will be in harmonious and friendly alignments in the sky. This will provide us with opportunities for resting, healing, and perhaps even mending broken bonds. It also makes March a wonderful time to take time off to recharge and restore our energies. For those who have been wanting to take time off, this month might be a great time to do so!
After the intense emphasis on the intellectual sign of Aquarius, the focus moves into the sensitive water element, allowing more room for intuition emotional expression within our lives. March begins with the Sun and Venus already in Pisces, and by March 15th, both asteroid of wisdom Pallas and cosmic messenger Mercury join them, deepening our focus on intuition and other non-physical and mystical realms. Art, music, photography, visualization, as well as any divination art, prevail as part of the energetic imprint for the days ahead.
Relationships will also be under focus, as Venus will be traveling very close to the Sun during the entire month, putting all kinds of bonds at the forefront of our minds. This is a big deal! We are changing the way we relate to one another, as well as the ways we enjoy pleasure, which will be deeply felt during the second time of the month.
By the time the Sun enters Aries on March 20th to kick off the Spring Equinox, a renewed sense of fire within us will be born. The days are getting progressively warmer in the Northern Hemisphere, and we are again starting a new astrological cycle. By the time the powerful full moon in Libra arrives at the end of the month, major decisions will have to be made. These are the kinds of choices that could have long-term consequences when leading with our heart will be key!
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- 2021 horoscope predictions: how will this year go for your zodiac sign?
March 2021 horoscope
Aries March horoscope
After a busy month of networking, it’s time to take some well-deserved time to rest. We know it, Aries, you might not be very fond of “inactivity,” but with the Sun and Venus in your twelfth house of subconscious mind during most of the month, you’re being asked to rest and recharge. As you will soon see, it’s within this space where you will give birth to your most brilliant ideas, which you’ll be ready to put into action once the brilliant Sun enters your sign on March 20th. The last ten days of the month look dreamy for you, making this a great time to focus on either romance or getting a well-deserved raise.
Taurus March horoscope
After last month’s intensity, things are beginning to mellow as Mars finally leaves your sign on March 3rd. And although you seem to be focusing a lot of your energy on your career and networking, you’re also spending time soaking up the dreamy and relaxing vibes of Pisces season. Once the Sun activates your intuitive twelfth house on March 20th, you’d be smart to take a well-deserved and restoring break. This is a big year for your sign, Taurus, and the more time and opportunities you give yourself to integrate all the change that is taking place, the more successful you will come out of it.
Gemini March horoscope
You most likely had an exciting—or at least very interesting—February, Gemini, and the fun is just beginning! Mars entering your sign on March 3rd is like receiving that adrenaline shot when you need it the most. You’re full of energy and new ideas, so make sure to write them down. This month has a feeling of push-and-pull for you as the mighty Pisces Sun dares to challenge your most precious plans—but don’t give them up just yet! There’s not only an end but also rewards in sight. Venus in Pisces is what dreams are made of—and some of them are up for you to grab!
Cancer March horoscope
There’s nothing you love more than swimming in the healing, nurturing waters of Pisces season. But this year, Pisces season comes with even more gifts in store for you. Free of challenging planetary aspects, it will allow you to fully attune to your instincts as you discover something that truly fascinates you. This is especially true during the March 11th new moon in Pisces, which is one of the best times of the year to expand your heart and mind. Once the March 20th Spring Equinox arrives, the focus moves to your sector of career and ambition, and once again, your most tenacious side will be on full display!
Leo March horoscope
February was intense for your sign of the Lion, and March promises a different kind of intensity! The current planetary focus is now in you eight house of transformation, asking you to take a deep dive into your subconscious mind. During the days ahead, spiritual and esoteric practices like astrology, Tarot, and even just simple visualization can connect you with valuable information the universe has in store for you. You’re a sign that goes all-in, Leo—and this is one of those times when committing to doing the inner work can bring so sweet rewards your way. Once Aries season begins on March 20, life will begin to feel a little lighter.
Virgo March horoscope
You’ve been focusing on your career, Virgo—but for you, March is all about focusing on relationships. With three planets activating your sector of relating during the month ahead, family and friends will be trying to schedule time in your busy calendar. Give it to them, and really focus on spending quality time with them. The Pisces new moon happening on March 13 comes with some special moments that you will want to cherish, so make sure to plan something nice with either your friends or partner. March will be a hard time for focusing on work anyway, so you might as well enjoy this chill and dreamy energy while it lasts!
Libra March horoscope
February was about creativity and play, but March comes with a completely different plan for you. As Mars enters Gemini, your curiosity to learn something new could reach new heights. Signing up for a class or immersing yourself in a new hobby is fairly possible now. Alternatively, this is a great time to come up with a new daily routine that works for you. March is the time of the year in which the cosmos is inspiring you to create a better, healthier version of yourself, so use the days surrounding the full moon in your sign (March 28th) to make those desired changes.
Scorpio March horoscope
Life is looking oh, so sweet, Scorpio. You naturally love and welcome Pisces energy, as it merges perfectly with your emotional nature. This year, March is even nicer, as you will have all the cosmic permission to enjoy pleasure, creativity, rest, and self-care. You more than deserve it—so make sure to leave plenty of room to treat yo’self during the month ahead. If you’re looking for a new love or to bring more romance into your life, the days between March 9 and March 14 are golden for putting yourself out there or connecting with someone you strongly desire. You will have a mystical, sexy aura around you, so make sure to use it!
Sagittarius March horoscope
After having the wind at your back in February, March is a month that will bring a few challenges your way. These challenges seem to most likely be about your home or family. The good news is that these are difficulties in disguise that will help you align to a new way of relating with those you love. With this in mind, don’t shy away from having tough conversations this month, Sag, as they worth your energy. Once the Spring Equinox arrives, the vibe around you turns more towards fun, play, and enjoyment.
Capricorn March horoscope
February was a busy month in which you focused on manifesting tangible wealth. March might still be a busy month when it comes to daily work, but the real focus is much more about information exchange. You see, Cap, communication is about to change in all areas of your life, as you renew the way you express your ideas and desires. Once the Sun enters Aries on March 20, some serious Spring Cleaning will be in order, so make sure you focus on clearing and cleaning your home for old and unwanted items in order to invite new and fresh energy into your space.
Aquarius March horoscope
Last month’s heavy planetary focus was on your sign, and this month, your attention should be on materializing all the exciting and innovative ideas that you came up with. With three planets and asteroid Pallas occupying your house of money and possessions, March is all about coming up with a strategy to conquer your most precious goals, Aquarius. Sure, Mars in Gemini keeps bringing even more ideas your way—but don’t get distracted! Putting the more solid ones in motion is what’s really important now. Once the Sun enters Aries, it will be more about communicating your strategy to those who can help you along the way.
Pisces March horoscope
Oh, lovely Pisces, you’re in for a beautiful time ahead! The month begins with the Sun and Venus in your sign, and once asteroid Pallas joins them on the 7th, the goddess vibes reach new heights! And while self-care and dreamy rest are definitively encouraged for you this month, don’t forget to spend some time tapping into your most precious desires. Journaling, meditating, and visualizing your wishes can help them come true, which is especially true during the first twenty days of the month while lovely Venus is still in your sign. A very special kind of magic is here for you to channel, dear Pisces!
February 2021 horoscope
Featuring a rare planetary line up of seven planets in Aquarius, an intense clash between Saturn and Uranus, as well as the first Mercury retrograde, February is one of the most important months of 2021! For those that have been hoping for the energy to turn around, this is your month—but it won’t necessarily be a walk in the park; especially for those zodiac signs who find it hard to integrate the Aquarian energy.
The month kicks off with Mercury—the ruling planet of communication, thought process, and commerce—starting its first retrograde journey of the year. But this is not your regular Mercury retrograde journey. What’s different about this transit is that Mercury will be meeting up with almost every other planetary body that will be part of this rare Aquarius stellium: the Sun, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, asteroid Pallas, and even this month’s New Moon (February 11th).
What this means is that the energy will be extremely focused in one area of our lives, forcing us to have all-hands-on-deck in order to integrate it. It also means that there will be a lot of mental, intellectual, and rational focus, leaving little room or time for us to spend on things like emotions or self-care. On the flip side, all this mental focus energy will help us adapt to the great amount of change that will be happening around us as a result of the Saturn-Uranus clash happening mid-month. The structures of our society will be either morphing or collapsing as a way of dealing with the challenges of our times.
This energy will last until February 17th, as the next day, the magnanimous Sun enters the emotional waters of Pisces, balancing the elementary focus, if even just a bit. By the time Venus, the planet of love and pleasure, enters mellow Pisces on February 25th, we will all be feeling a little more chill and grounded as we see the pleasantness of this planet-sign combo bring more magic into our lives.
Aries February horoscope
Lucky you, Aries, as you’re one of the signs that are friendly with the Aquarian energy. Air feeds fire, and during the month ahead, you will really experience what it means to have the wind at your back. For you, this is an incredible time to focus your energy on networking and taking advantage of your professional connections. If you haven’t lately, spending some time upgrading your LinkedIn profile as well as your website as a way of attracting more attention from clients as well as peers. Similarly, February comes with the promise of finding folks who can help you take projects off the ground.
Taurus February horoscope
To say that February will be an interesting month for you would be an understatement, Taurus! As the Aquarius planets clash with intense Mars and wild child Uranus in your sign, you’ll be pushed to make radical changes in your life. For a sign like you who doesn’t like change, this might sound terrifying. However, this is one of your best opportunities of the year to abandon outdated habits and start aligning with a more powerful version of yourself. Lastly, the astrology of the month ahead will be very telling of what 2021 has in store for you, so pay close attention to what the stars are asking from you.
Gemini February horoscope
You’re already curious, but in February, your hunger for knowledge will reach a new height! A rare planetary lineup in air sign pal Aquarius will be occupying your ninth house of learning and spirituality, asking you to expand your mind and go through new experiences that will grant you fresh perspectives. Mercury’s retrograde journey, in particular, can prove very useful in helping you find inspiration in places where there was none before. Brainstorming as well as journaling is advised during what can be an extremely exciting month for you. It’s time to really free your mind, dear Gemini!
Cancer February horoscope
For you, Cancer, this is a year to go within, and February is the month in which you will especially feel the call to escape from the outside world and retrieve to your shell. You’re looking for some answers, and it’s important to allow yourself the space and time you need during this intense process. Once the Sun enters Pisces on the eighteenth, followed by Venus on the twenty-fifth, life will begin to feel easier. From this moment on, you will be in your element, and will have access to some of the most healing energy at your disposal—so make sure to use it.
Leo February horoscope
Get ready, Leo, because the month ahead is going to challenge you to turn your energy away from you, and onto those around you. February is going to be all about relationships as an incredible number of planets transit your seventh house of partnerships. Whether romantic or professional, these relationships will require your energy as a way of figuring out if they’re still in alignment with your life direction. The truth is some of them might no longer be in your best interest, and that’s okay. Be grateful for what they’ve taught you, but don’t hesitate in seeing them go away.
Virgo February horoscope
As your planetary ruler Mercury takes a deep dive into Aquarian territory, you might find yourself with the sense of being a little lost in space. Don’t worry, that’s because the energy of this month is a bit alien to you. After all, you and Aquarius don’t have much in common. The good news is that this energy is ideal for doing something you love—which is sticking your nose to the grind. If there are some details of a plan or project you haven’t been able to figure out, use the first twenty days of this month to crack this code once and for all.
Libra February horoscope
You’re one of the signs who will have it the easiest to adapt to the energy of this intense month, Libra. You are best pals with Aquarius because you just get each other. However, with so much mental energy floating in the sky, you could find yourself running around in circles and not really doing much else. If you really want to make the best of this month—and this year—you’d be smart to try your hand at some creative projects. Alternatively, this is also the perfect month to have some fun in the bedroom, whether you’re dating someone or not.
Scorpio February horoscope
Good thing you’re such a bold person, Scorpio, because February does come with its fair share of challenges for your sign. Highlighting the sector of your solar chart that rules your home and family, the energy of the month ahead could bring some decisions to make in this arena. When looking for answers, Mercury’s retrograde loop can be useful when getting in touch with your roots, and therefore, the deepest part of yourself. Once the Sun and Venus enter Pisces, things should begin to mellow out, so make sure to schedule some self-care or “me” time for the last week of the month.
Sagittarius February horoscope
With February being a month full of inventive, intellectual energy, your fire is about to get stronger than ever! You’re one of the signs who’ll find the intensity of the month ahead quite useful, cool Sag. That is if you’re able to turn off the incredible amount of noise that will be inundating the air. As your third house of communication gets jampacked, it can be hard to know what to focus your energy on. Take the smaller tasks and focus on completing those; doing so will prevent you from getting scatterbrained while assuring you actually get somewhere.
Capricorn February horoscope
The month ahead is all about finances for you, Capricorn. As a total of seven planets align in your second house of money and possessions, it would be clever for you to come up with a plan to make your monetary empire even stronger. This month’s new moon happening on February 11 is ideal for envisioning where you would like to be in five, ten, or even fifteen years. Once Venus enters Pisces on the twenty-fifth, make sure to do something nice for yourself, as the universe will be encouraging you to focus some of your time on rest and relaxation.
Aquarius February horoscope
Wow, Aquarius! You already knew that this was your year, but did you know this can be the absolute best month of your entire year? Receiving so much planetary focus can certainly be overwhelming, so in order to make the best of this cosmic opportunity, start formulating your ambitious game plan. Life will be moving at a rapid speed, and as Saturn deepens its journey through your sign, you’re being asked to get your act together, and get to work! The good news is that 2021 does hold the promise of growth, but for that, you will have to invest some of your time and that precious mind of yours.
Pisces February horoscope
It’s almost your birth month, lovely Pisces, but before getting there, here comes a month of intense, deep soul-searching. During the month ahead, your twelfth house of secrets and subconscious mind will be extremely activated, hinting that something could soon be coming to light. If some very interesting information gets released, take as much time as you need to process it by sleeping or journaling. The last ten days of the month promise easier vibes as lover Venus makes her incredible entrance into your sign. Hear her calling by diving deep into some self-care and healing practices.
Athena Antares is a traveling writer, astrologer, and mystic who believes in adding a touch of magic to everyday life. She has written horoscopes for numerous lifestyle publications and has dived deeply into astrological magic and manifestation spell work. In her spare time, Athena enjoys exploring new places, spending time in nature, and reading charts for her worldly clientele.
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