Your weekly horoscope is here: November 15 - November 21

It's the last gasp of Scorpio season, and this weekly horoscope will show you how to celebrate it right, no matter your sign

Star sign symbols and astrology symbols are pictured on a colorful graphic background with moons and crystals
(Image credit: Future)

Welcome to the last week of Scorpio season! We’ve been diving deep in the waters of our emotional life as a way to connect with our deepest desires—and this weekly horoscope has us closing the season of the witch with a bang! 

During the entire week, there is so much electricity in the air—and regardless of our zodiac sign, we will all be having the sensation that something big is about to happen. Mars, the planet of drive, anger, and ambition will be sitting exactly opposite Uranus, the planet of sudden changes! Expect surprises and secrets to be revealed—however, don’t act on them just yet. This week’s astrology is colored by both impulsivity and exaggeration—so before overpromising, make sure you can deliver the goods. 

As soon as Friday arrives, more clarity is delivered by the arrival of the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus. Bringing the power of three Full Moons in one, this celestial event is bound to bring a grand finale our way. Look out for themes involving changes around relationships, money, security, and career. If you’ve been looking for a sign from the universe to abandon a stale or unhealthy relationship, job, or situation—this is it! 

On Sunday, November 21, the energy relaxes as the bright Sun enters the optimistic and festive sign of Sagittarius. And once again, we begin a new cycle. 

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Weekly horoscope: what does the week ahead have in store for you?


Aries Horoscope

(Image credit: Future)

For you, Aries, this week is about money and the way you share it with a partner. Intense conversations involving this topic could come up mid-week—but since your ruler Mars will be in a tough position, you must think before speaking, as you could say something that you might regret later. Wait for the energy to mellow out to figure out what you really want to say and do in relation to this.  


Taurus Horoscope

(Image credit: Future)

This is a big week for you, Taurus. With the Lunar Eclipse happening in your sign, something that began around May 11 might be coming to end or a climax. While this could be about a close relationship, it could also involve receiving an unexpected payout. But regardless of what comes up for you during this powerful lunar event, try keeping an open mind, as there could be a hidden opportunity on the horizon.  


Gemini Horoscope

(Image credit: Future)

You’re a social butterfly, but this week’s Lunar Eclipse is happening in your twelfth house of solitude, which could give you an overwhelming need to be alone. Schedule solo time in your calendar and connect with your intuition. Your planetary ruler, Mercury, will be harmonizing with luminous Neptune, an aspect that can connect you to a huge source of imagination, sensitivity, and sense of spirituality. Make room for it and you will feel more inspired.  


Cancer horoscope

(Image credit: Future)

Expect the focus of the week ahead to have an inspirational tone, Crab. The Mercury-Neptune trine not only highlights your creative vision, but it also inspires you to dive deeper into a subject or venture that fascinates you. You love Scorpionic energy, so make use of this last week of the season to soak up the imaginative vibes. Lastly, if you’ve been working on a creative or community-driven project, this week’s Lunar Eclipse could deliver good news around this effort.  


Leo Horoscope

(Image credit: Future)

It’s a big week for everyone—but especially for you, Leo! This week, your planetary ruler, the Sun, connects with you Jupiter and Pluto while also creating the powerful Lunar Eclipse. It will be a busy time, when you might suddenly find yourself in the limelight! Go ahead and bask in the glory—however, be very careful with what you promise while flying high, as Jupiter’s optimism could cloud your judgment when it comes to deliverables.  


Virgo Horoscope

(Image credit: Future)

This week could feel like information overload—even for you, Virgo. Mercury’s connection with Neptune brings a lot of information about how to bring more inspiration and compassion to your relationships. Listen up! Over the weekend, Mercury will also connect with Jupiter, magnifying the messages, this time around your daily work life. If something hasn’t been feeling right when it comes to your routine, this is the perfect week to make changes, regardless of how radical they are! 


Libra Horoscope

(Image credit: Future)

With your ruler, Venus, setting the tone for this week’s Lunar Eclipse, you’re most likely in store to receive news about an important relationship in your life. You or your partner could experience a revelation about money or financial security. If you are single, a destined event could put you face-to-face with an eccentric or interesting personality. If it feels right, get out of your comfort zone and explore the possibility of dating someone who is not your type, Libra.  


Scorpio Horoscope

(Image credit: Future)

This week could feel intense, Scorpio, so try keeping a mellow schedule to give yourself enough time to rest. Mars in your sign opposing Uranus could create intense energy between you and your partner. If you have something to figure out, it might be a good idea to do so in the bedroom. This will help to strike a balance between the two of you, especially as this week’s Lunar Eclipse raises the sensual tension between both of you! 


Sagittarius Horoscope

(Image credit: Future)

With your ruler, Jupiter, being so active this week, your phone could be constantly beeping. You’re a hot commodity, and everyone wants a piece of you! This is one of those weeks in which you could bite off more than you can chew, so try to keep your feet on the ground, dear Sag. This week’s Lunar Eclipse will ask you to abandon a bad habit that no longer serves you. Which one will it be?  


Capricorn horoscope

(Image credit: Future)

The beginning of the week looks super busy at work as the waxing Moon in Aries keeps all your attention on work and productivity. Use Monday and Tuesday to focus on some of your most ambitious goals, because as soon as the Lunar Eclipse arrives, you could really see some sweet rewards coming your way. Thanks to Venus in your sign, an invitation to go out and meet new people could also arrive this weekend. Say yes, Cap!  


Aquarius Horoscope

(Image credit: Future)

You could be feeling optimistic with lucky Jupiter in your sign receiving energy from other planets. But unfortunately, this is not the right week to take big risks. This week’s Lunar Eclipse is bound to create some tension, so it’s best to tread carefully and keep your wits about you. If you must make a decision between your home life and your career life, try not to intellectualize things and go with what your heart tells you.  


Pisces Horoscope

(Image credit: Future)

This week comes with a huge information download for you, Pisces. Since you’re a sensitive soul, practice protection with the use of crystals and other visualization techniques. Once you can turn off the noise, you have access to an amazing amount of inspiration as Mercury in psychic Scorpio delivers cosmic messages to Neptune in your sign. The information in these is priceless, as it could contain information about your future. How exciting!  

Athena Antares

Athena Antares is a traveling writer, astrologer, and mystic who believes in adding a touch of magic to everyday life. She has written horoscopes for numerous lifestyle publications and has dived deeply into astrological magic and manifestation spell work. In her spare time, Athena enjoys exploring new places, spending time in nature, and reading charts for her worldly clientele.