Juno retrograde 2022 is forcing these signs to reexamine their relationships

'"I think it’s a really useful retrograde that helps us step into our partnership with maturity," says astrologer Noush

Juno retrograde 2022 feature image; sunset and two couples holding hands in the dark night, symbolizing partnerships
(Image credit: Future)

The asteroids are keeping busy: Juno retrograde 2022 is about to close out our list of July astrology events, right as Leo season gets underway. 

This particular celestial being is hyper-focused on commitments and loyalty, so we can expect a shift or two in those areas of our lives. But there's no need to fret, despite the negative connotation surrounding the "r" word.  

"I think it’s a really useful retrograde that helps us step into our partnership with maturity," says Noush, an astrologer at Girl and Her Moon. "It’s a good time to look inward and reflect."

Though we tend to have our guards up when we hear the term retrograde, it's a beneficial opportunity to take a step back and asses where we need to make adjustments and move forward...even if the cosmos in questions are moving backwards.

Ready for Juno? Of course you are!


An intuitive astrologer with Girl and Her Moon, Noush believes in the healing power of focused energy. You can catch her cosmic insight during an astrology reading or by signing up for a Flow with the Moon Membership.

Juno retrograde 2022

  • When: July 24 to October 22, 2022

No need to panic about the length of Juno retrograde, though it'll be here well into Halloween season. Her energy is nothing nothing we cannot handle. In fact, Juno is a welcome time to get realistic and asses your partnerships, be it romantic or otherwise, to see where you can make improvements.

"When Juno goes retrograde in Pisces it's kind of a really good time to—similar to Neptune going retrograde—it's a good idea to take those idealism goggles off," Noush suggests. "It's a good time to understand where you’ve become a little co-dependent or where you’re relinquishing your power. Where is that give and take not being balanced?"

Whether you're not quite connecting with your new boss or you feel as though you and your longterm S.O. are off-kilter, Juno's backwards spin can be a good time to nip issues in the bud. 

"If things are crumbling under this Juno retrograde, just be aware that they’re breaking down and undoing because there’s a new way that [your] partnership is trying to weave together," Noush assures.

Who will be most affected by Juno retrograde? 

Any mutable rising signs (rising Pisces, Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius) might feel Juno hard at work, as it's sitting right at the axis points that can bring up areas of balance in relationships. 

"Where can you add compromise and fairness into your partnership so that there is a strong and fierce equality in the two of you moving forward, rather than one person leading and the other person following," Noush asks? 

If you're feeling inclined to work with crystals during this retrograde, Noush, who operates Joon Crystals, suggests granite, as it's symbolic of commitments but also helps you get rid of any self-doubt that might be lingering at the surface.  (Our guide to crystals for beginners can help get you on the proper path.) 

a collection of crystals laid out on a table

(Image credit: Getty Images/Future)

For more ways to see how you'll be impacted by the cosmos, check out our guide to which planet is in retrograde and of course, have a look at the best gifts astrology fans will love—calendars, crystals, candles and more.

We'll see you soon, Juno. And no, we're not afraid of your retrograde.

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Danielle Valente
Digital News Writer

Need a TV show recommendation? Maybe a few decor tips? Danielle, a digital news writer at Future, has you covered. Her work appears throughout the company’s lifestyle brands, including My Imperfect Life, Real Homes, and woman&home. Mainly, her time is spent at My Imperfect Life, where she’s attuned to the latest entertainment trends and dating advice for Gen Z.

Before her time at Future, Danielle was the editor of Time Out New York Kids, where she got to experience the best of the city from the point of view of its littlest residents. Before that, she was a news editor at Elite Daily. Her work has also appeared in Domino, Chowhound, and amNewYork, to name a few. 

When Danielle’s not writing, you can find her testing out a new recipe, reading a book (suggestions always welcome), or rearranging the furniture in her apartment…again.