Your weekly horoscope is here: November 21 - November 27

Your weekly horoscope is here—and we finally get a cosmic break as eclipse season comes to an end...

The moon surrounded by the symbols of the zodiac signs against a blue background
(Image credit: Future)

Welcome to a fabulous week in the sky! The intensity and chaotic energy of eclipse season officially ends on Tuesday as the Sun enters the bright and optimistic sign of Sagittarius, marking the start of Sagittarius season. This shift will restore our optimism, making the next four weeks ideal for travel, study, and celebration. While the retrograde of Mars still means it’s not a great time to launch any important projects, the fiery spirit of the Archer does provide that ray of light that we so much need now. 

Wednesday is an extra-lucky day as Jupiter, the planet of expansion, wakes up from its five-month retrograde (in other words, Jupiter goes direct). If a project has been stuck since the end of July, this shift of the planet of abundance could suddenly push it forward. That same day, we welcome the new moon in Sagittarius, doubling down on this day’s lucky vibes.  

Later in the week, opportunities for deep healing abound as Mercury and Venus send a kiss to Chiron, the Centaur of Healing. If things went sour with a partner or friend during eclipse season, these connections would help you repair the damage. All you need to do is reach out, open your heart, and say you’re sorry.  

The weekend is relatively mellow in astrological alignments, with the moon in Capricorn having us in a serious, pensive mood.  

Headshot of astrologer Narayana Montufar
Meet our astrologer: Narayana Montúfar

Narayana Montúfar is an astrologer and an expert in the astrological studies of the Moon.

She was one of’s Authority Magazine 2020’s Strong Female Leaders and one of Vogue’s 13 Astrologers to Follow in 2021. She's also the author of Moon Signs: Unlock Your Inner Luminary Power.


Weekly horoscope for November 21 - November 27

Aries weekly horoscope

Aries Zodiac Sign symbol

(Image credit: Future)

Open your heart, Aries. This week provides you with a rare opportunity to heal old wounds as Venus and Mercury connect with Chiron in your sign. You might receive an email or text from someone that wants to clear the air. Alternatively, you could be the one reaching out. Then as giant Jupiter goes direct, you’re being invited to reawaken your sense of spirituality, so make sure to schedule some time to connect with the non-tangible side of life. 

Taurus weekly horoscope

Taurus Zodiac Sign symbol

(Image credit: Future)

Healing is taking place for you this week, Taurus. If eclipse season ended an important relationship or situation, this week’s astrology provides you with optimism for the future. Speaking from the heart will help turn things around. Under this week’s fortunate lunar event, you could even experience a new beginning. Lucky giant Jupiter re-activates your friendship sector midweek, and from now until December 20, you could find some stellar people to collaborate with on exciting projects.

Gemini weekly horoscope

Gemini Zodiac Sign symbol

(Image credit: Future)

Your sector of relationships is lit this week, Gemini. If you have a partner, there might be talks around redefining the terms of your relationship, as some things have certainly changed recently. While it’s good to have open channels of communication, remember that things will remain in flux until mid-January. Alternatively, you could be having talks around business partnerships, which in this case, it’s best to adopt the same approach. Leave yourself wiggle room to change your mind after! 

Cancer weekly horoscope

Cancer Zodiac Sign symbol

(Image credit: Future)

Good news on the career front could hit your inbox this week, Cancer. As Jupiter re-activates your tenth house of public visibility, you could really see advancement in this area of life between now and December 20. This week’s new moon also brings you a new beginning in the realm of health. Out of the entire year, this is your golden opportunity to set intentions around daily habits that could have a positive ripple effect on your life.

Leo weekly horoscope

Leo Zodiac Sign symbol

(Image credit: Future)

The Scorpio season intensity is now over as your ruler, the Sun, enters the optimistic skies of the Archer. For the next four weeks, you’ll feel the call from the universe to play, create, and have fun! Chances are you’ve been too busy to do some of your favorite things. Luckily, this week’s new moon brings you the opportunity to set aside some time to focus more of your time on the things that bring you pleasure.

Virgo weekly horoscope

Virgo Zodiac Sign symbol

(Image credit: Future)

You’re receiving some lucky stars this week, Virgo. An important relationship is receiving new energy as Jupiter goes direct in your sector of intimacy. If you’re in an established or long-term relationship, you could become closer between now and December 20. Your home life is also highlighted this week as the lunar energy brings you a new beginning. If you’ve been wanting to make seasonal or permanent changes to your place, take the first step around midweek.

Libra weekly horoscope

Libra Zodiac Sign symbol

(Image credit: Future)

You might be feeling busy this week with a total of four astrological influences activating your third house of communication. If you’ve been working on a paper, pitch, or media project, this week’s new moon will push it forward. Then, as Venus sends shiny beams to Chiron, you receive the opportunity to heal your heart. If a relationship ended or became rocky during the time Venus was in Scorpio (October 23-November 16), you get the chance to bring either closure and healing, or new life to it.

Scorpio weekly horoscope

Scorpio Zodiac Sign symbol

(Image credit: Future)

This week, money is on your mind, Scorpio! You might be receiving news about a raise or the opportunity to save more. If money is a current worry for you, however, the next four weeks are perfect to come up with a plan to put in place in 2023. Then as lucky giant Jupiter wakes up from its nap, you might be feeling more inclined to explore your creativity. Carve the time to go there, as one of your ideas could take off!

Sagittarius weekly horoscope

Sagittarius Zodiac Sign symbol

(Image credit: Future)

Happy birthday, Sagittarius. Your biggest birthday gift is Jupiter going direct on Wednesday, putting an end to any setbacks you’ve been experiencing since late July. Stay tuned for a lucky break or good news arriving this week. You’ve been feeling introspective, but as the Sun enters your sign, you’re ready to come out of your shell and see the world with new eyes. During the next four weeks, spend some time thinking about your goals for the year ahead, narrowing down your wish list.

Capricorn weekly horoscope

Capricorn Zodiac Sign symbol

(Image credit: Future)

It’s time to go within, Capricorn! A total of four planets now occupy your sector of spirituality, asking you to rest, listen, and observe. Some people might be reaching out, wanting to spend time with you, but the truth is that the more you spend time alone for the next four weeks, the juicier the downloads you will have. As Jupiter turns direct, journaling your feelings and thoughts can not only be a healing practice, it could also lead to something else down the road. 

Aquarius weekly horoscope

Aquarius Zodiac Sign symbol

(Image credit: Future)

You’re in for a lucky break this week, Aquarius. Magnanimous Jupiter wakes up from retrograde in your financial sector, super-charging it from now until December 20. At this time, you could receive a raise, a bonus, or payment for a past project. All types of collaboration are also highlighted for you now, so if you ever wanted to join a like-minded group, this is the best time to get in touch, under the Sagittarius new moon.

Pisces weekly horoscope

Pisces Zodiac Sign symbol

(Image credit: Future)

It’s time to brainstorm some ideas, Pisces! As Jupiter wakes up from a nap, it fills your brain with creative insights. On Wednesday, try extracting the visions you receive during meditation or dreams to truly capture them. There’s a big chance some of them could become extremely useful in the future. The new moon brings you a new beginning in the realm of career, when a sweet project could land on your lap. If you’re not happy with your job, this is a very positive moment to start thinking about new avenues.  

Narayana Montúfar

Narayana Montúfar is My Imperfect Life's resident astrologer, responsible for our weekly horoscopes and monthly horoscopes. She's also an artist, writer, and energy healer who finds inspiration in the symbolic language of astrology. An expert in the astrological studies of the Moon, she's the author of Moon Signs: Unlock Your Inner Luminary Power and was featured as one of’s Authority Magazine 2020’s Strong Female Leaders, Destig Magazine’s Top Artists to Collect in 2020, and one of Vogue’s 13 Astrologers to Follow in 2021.


You can also find her astrological work featured in numerous lifestyle publications like Teen Vogue, Refinery29, InStyle, Brit+Co, Bustle, Pop Sugar, Well + Good, Women’s Health, Romper, and more. In her private astrology practice, Narayana’s holistic approach seeks to create a positive impact by connecting each one of her clients to the uniqueness of their chart and illuminating their path toward the ultimate state of self-empowerment and self-discovery.